Saturday, April 12, 2008

I think I'll have a glass of wine now...

Yes, it is cause for celebration... the taxes are completed... ready to send out and we have a refund coming back! Not a huge one, mind you, but any year we aren't paying more is a good year!

I can remember years ago, before the nifty computer programs were available how much more difficult this process was. Yes, I can recall making a trip (on the evening of April 15th) to the local library or city hall where the paper forms were left in metal racks for procrastinators to find after hours. At the eleventh hour, I would discover I needed a form I had failed to obtain earlier. I can even remember one year when the form I needed wasn't to be found and I was busily (frantically) calling friends in the hope that they may have an extra. I was always able to muddle through, but I wouldn't say the living was easy during tax time.

This is a very big relief to me... one less thing hanging over my head. Now, on to more important things like music, books, cleaning my house (wait a minute -- how did house-cleaning make the list?)...

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