Well, the boys have finished another quarter of their school year, and they get a couple of days off before we start the next quarter, so I have taken the opportunity to get a bunch of things done. Yesterday we ran errands... today I've been working on the plan of action for the schola. Since we are to begin singing at the Sunday morning Mass starting in Advent at San Mateo, there is much to do. We will begin by using a very simple Mass setting of ordinaries, in order to encourage the parishioners to sing with us on them. While I plan to have Mass booklets available, the Kyrie, Sanctus and Agnus Dei are all in modern notation in the backs of the missalettes in the pews.
The schola will also be working on a very few propers and some traditional Latin Advent hymns. They are:
Introits: Ad te levavi -- 1st Sunday of Advent
Gaudete -- 3rd Sunday of Advent
Communion: Dominus dabit -- Proper for the 1st Sunday of Advent
Note: We will use this communion proper for the entire Advent season, more as a seasonal choice.
Hymns: Veni Emmanuel
Alma Redemptoris Mater
Creator alme Siderum
I think this will give us plenty to work on for the coming weeks. Next year, we can build on it and expand it. With Christmas close on our heels, we'll also begin working on things to prepare for it. So much wonderful music... so little time...
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