In the earthly liturgy we take part in a foretaste of that heavenly liturgy which is celebrated in the holy city of Jerusalem toward which we journey as pilgrims…we sing a hymn to the Lord's glory with all the warriors of the heavenly army.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
The Move Looms
I found old bank statements, checks, files from as early as 1994 in an old rubbermaid bin that had been lurking in the garage. My oldest son had a great time with the shredder... I think he especially enjoyed the times when it would jam up and he could put to use all his natural mechanical skills and (after unplugging the thing at my insistence) unclog the teeth with my tweezers.
I found my long-lost professional resume and job information from my last job (outside the home, that is -- I still have a very demanding job, you know). It was good to look it over and remember that happy time in my life when I was working (I really loved working and found it a HUGE adjustment to stay home and take care of my babies at first). Unfortunately, I am thinking that, even if I have the energy to try, my chances of actually finding a job in my chosen field after the kids are raised and out of the house are probably slim to none. Since I had the kids so late in life, I'll definitely be a bit old to try to begin again ten years from now... no... dear husband is going to just have to support us all for the duration.
That one useful (I suppose that could be debatable) item was about the only thing I kept out of a huge rubbermaid container... think about it -- we've been hauling that thing around for the last nine moves (counting moves within a city). That is ridiculous! Each time we go through this, I resolve to get rid of stuff as we go along... and then fail.
Thus, the only way I seem to be able to force myself to go through and get rid of the stuff we seem to be drowning in... is when an impending move is upon us. Even at that, it is obvious that I miss certain things each time. Perhaps that is why we must move so often... if we lived anywhere longer than, say, three years, perhaps we would be unable to dig ourselves out.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day with M20 Armored Car
Kyrie Eleison
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi)

The traditional knocking at the door, entry and sprinkling by the bishop began the day's liturgy, after which the Mass began. I sang the short version of the Sequence before the Alleluia. It actually flows in the Mass at that point very well, although it is supposed to be sung after the Alleluia according to the missal.
After the reception of Holy Communion, the bishop led a procession with the Blessed Sacrament around the cathedral. It was something great to see... 8 torch bearers in robes, the bishop, 2 priests, our deacon and all the parishioners. They carried the Blessed Sacrament under a canopy... but even that bit of shade can't have made it very cool carrying the monstrance in all those vestments... it is hot and muggy here in Shreveport just now. After the procession, we had the Benediction.
While I was waiting for the procession to return, one parishioner came up and asked me about the sequence. Apparently, she had never before heard it... I was so happy to have the chance to spread the word about all the beautiful chant that is ours for the using...
Here is some information that I provided to her about the Sequence for Corpus Christi, Lauda Sion... it was written by St. Thomas Aquinas and is one of the three sequences that are listed in my Gregorian Missal for the Novus Ordo (ordinary) form of the Mass (The other two are: Veni, Sancte Spiritus -- Pentecost and Victimae Paschali -- Easter). Read more about Lauda Sion here. I have actually sung one other, the Dies Irae, which is used for funerals.
My shortened version (beginning with Ecce Panis Angelorum) can be found here; you can hear the monks in Brazil singing the entire long version of it here.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Corpus Christi
It was a very congenial group last night... good singing, good cameraderie and hopeful for the future...
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
The Festivities Continue...
I'll be the cantor for that Mass, one of the last before we move from here... I'm thankful I was asked.
On a personal note...
I spent most of my day either not being here during the time a realtor was showing people through our home or cleaning up in anticipation for a showing. The frequency of showings has definitely increased over the past couple of weeks. I have another one scheduled for tomorrow morning... will someone please just buy our house so I don't have to keep on showing it??? I found a hilarious post on June Cleaver here that has reminded me of my own experience. She says it ever so much more eloquently than I could... read along and laugh with me.
Bishop Michael Duca ordained and installed in Shreveport

Monday, May 19, 2008
Vespers at St. John Berchmans

Our schola sang several pieces during the prelude time. I have a few recordings, but must apologize for the chit-chat and rustling... the recording was done downstairs amid the crowd. However, I am very proud of our little schola and want to post a few examples of our singing...
Adoramus te, Christe (our lone polyphony piece)
Ave Verum
Veni Sancte Spiritus
Kyrie Orbis Factor
Today at 12:00 pm, the Ordination/Installation will take place at the Shreveport Convention Center. The prelude music will begin probably by about 11:30 a.m. or so... you can see a webcast of the ordination here:
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Saturday yard work
Friday, May 16, 2008
Psallite Sapienter

When I was trying to figure out how to sing for our first Missa Cantata, I am thinking this would have been so great to have had on hand...
It is currently available here and it will be available for sale at the Colloquium, all you lucky ones who will be attending.
I am hopeful that it will also be available to me for purchase when I am at Chant Intensive the week prior.
Check this out if you are interested in the Extraordinary Form of the Mass and the music for it...
Great Chant Rehearsal Last Night
We ran through the entire list of chants planned for Vespers, plus the Veni Creator, which we will do if time permits. I was very pleased with the sound we are getting. The blending of voices is getting better and better over time.
I brought the boys with me, and only had to go up and help hunt for a lost stylus once near the end. The search was futile, so a trip to Wal-mart's game section is planned for today.
We are all looking forward to seeing the new Narnia film Prince Caspian, perhaps even this evening or tomorrow. I'll give my own personal review of it if we are able to get to that this weekend with all the activity planned.
On to the day's activities...
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Vespers May 18th, St. John Berchmans

Rainy days

SHREVEPORT, La. (AP) — More than 10 inches of rain fell late Tuesday and Wednesday in the Shreveport-Bossier City area, forcing a state of emergency in Caddo Parish after at least 90 homes were flooded. With another round of storms accompanied by high water expected Wednesday, parish public schools closed at midday. Both Caddo and Bossier parishes were under flash flood warnings.
The area's 24-hour record of rainfall was 12.44 inches, set in 1933, Homeland Security officials said. Although the city's drainage system was functioning, it was inundated by the amount of rain, said Mike Strong, Shreveport's Director of Operational Services.The National Weather Service said 4.43 inches of rain fell in a one-hour period across Shreveport-Bossier City on Tuesday night, breaking the old record of 3.16 inches. Records were also set for the amount of rain in a two-hour period — 5.73 inches — and for a three-hour period — 6.51 inches, the weather service said. Numerous roads were closed in the region Wednesday because of high water, along with the gates at Barksdale Air Force Base. The Caddo Parish sheriff's office had boats standing by in case people were trapped by the water. Deputies were checking houses for stranded residents in the southern part of the parish where flooded streets had cut off normal access.
Lightning caused several fires, including one at Bossier City apartment complex. The fire started about 8:30 p.m. Tuesday and quickly spread to four apartments, completely engulfing the roof of one building, said police spokesman Mark Natale. No one was injured. Four units were destroyed, while another four sustained heavy smoke and water damage, Natale said.
At the height of the rain, about 18,000 customers of Southwestern Electric Power Co. were without electricity because of limbs and trees that fell on utility lines. That number had been reduced to about 7,500 by midday Wednesday, said SWEPCO spokesman Scott McCloud.
The Times of Shreveport and KTBS-TV contributed to this report.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Crowning Mary
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Adesto Sancta Trinita
Regina Caeli Jubila
Salve Regina
Victimae Paschali
We are working on our list of prelude pieces for the Vespers service...
Friday, May 2, 2008
Cardinal Egan and Shreveport's Red Mass

Edward Cardinal Egan, the Archbishop of New York, presided over a Red Mass today at Holy Trinity Church in Shreveport. The last Cardinal to visit Shreveport was Cardinal Cushing of Boston in 1968.
The Red Mass, held for the legal profession, was attended by most area attorneys and judges, as well as ministers of other faiths and members of the lay public.
Egan presided over the Mass, and also served as its principal celebrant.
Describing the law as “a splendid calling” and contrasting that with the view of it as a profession, he said people must be inclined to “love the law and embrace it,” just as they must discharge it “so civilization may progress in a manner worthy of the children of God.”
"There is nothing more precious than the life of a human being," said His Eminence Edward Cardinal Egan, the Archbishop of New York, at the 16th Annual Red Mass held today at Holy Trinty Catholic Church in Shreveport, Louisiana. Cardinal Egan delivered his homily, which included a meassage not only supporting the right to life, but challenging the death penalty where many innocent persons have been cleared by DNA tests.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Much Ado
The last two evenings I have spent rehearsing for the ordination (to be at the convention center on May 19), the upcoming 'Red Mass' (when Cardinal Egan from NY will be here) that will be tomorrow morning at Holy Trinity, and the Holocaust remembrance this Sunday afternoon. Just so that I don't get bored this weekend, we luckily will also have the boys' Suzuki concert on Saturday afternoon and my hubby's change of command ceremony on early Sunday afternoon -- oh, yes... I'm also cantoring for the 5:30 pm Sunday Mass.
Whew! It is a good thing I have just mentally listed all those things... otherwise I might have dropped something off the list!
Tonight will be our schola rehearsal... we are going to be singing a few pieces for prelude music prior to the beginning of the Vespers service on May 18th. I'd like them to be especially nice, so we'll go through some of our repertoire tonight and decide what we'll focus on polishing up. Our task is to provide about 15 minutes' worth of chant music... I am very pleased that we are going to be able to participate for it.
Time to get the house spiffy in case a buyer wants to wander through today...