I am here in Chicago enjoying wonderful weather, renewed friendships, outstanding musical direction and anticipation of fabulous teaching and learning over this week.
Today kicked off with registration at Loyola University, during which time I was able to see most of the attendees as they signed in and was so pleased to see many I had met at past CMAA events. My room is very comfortable, clean and convenient to all the classes and activities. The staff here at Loyola is very nice and pleasant.
We began our first evening with a short reception, during which a lot of catching up on things with others took place... followed closely by dinner at the dining hall. At 7:00 pm the welcome session was kicked off by Father Pasley, our CMAA chaplain. We had a short session on singing the ordinaries for tomorrow's English Mass, after which we split up into groups for polyphony rehearsals. Most folks had a very difficult time deciding which group to choose... with so many outstanding directors and such wonderful music, it wasn't easy.
Night prayer followed, after which a weary group of attendees headed back to try to catch a few winks before Morning prayer comes upon us tomorrow morning at 7 a.m.
As the week progresses, I hope to be posting recordings and comments on the progress we make. We are all especially looking forward to singing for the Mass at which Cardinal George will be the celebrant (Wednesday).
More tomorrow...