We will soon be on the move again. We are being transferred again out of state, so will be finding out how things stand in our new place -- near Macon, GA.
In the time that I have left, I'll be working with the FW Schola Gregoriana to try to make arrangements for them to continue singing after our departure... also will be working with a new group trying to get things kicked off for a new schola up in Plano, TX.
There is so much to do in the time still left here. I'm working on a project with a friend to try to help spread the word about Sacred Music in a new way. Updates will be forthcoming when the project is ready to roll out.
This Sunday will be the last weekend we sing at Mass at San Mateo before Fr. Bob goes on vacation (and the schola, too, will be taking a needed break).
I posted a new link to a Vimeo production put out about 3 months ago by Corpus Christi Watershed... I really enjoyed it and think it has some great information for people out there. Take a look at it!