Saturday, February 23, 2008

Larry the Cable Guy's brother?

As we drove through Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Kentucky on our way to the Show of Shows in Louisville, we managed to get caught up in the ice storm hitting the region during our trip. There was reportedly an accident involving as many as 30 vehicles on I-65 near Bowling Green. We were about 6 miles south of the accident when we were stopped completely in bumper-to-bumper traffic on the interstate. After about 30 minutes of inching along, we turned around and took a detour along a side road. Although it lengthened our trip, mileage-wise, it ultimately shortened the time required.

As we were trying to tune in to local stations during our travels, we happened on a local AM station with a show called "Swap Talk" in progress. As we tuned to the station, we didn't catch the comment the caller made, but did hear the host compliment him, saying: "Nice use of the vernacular, there!" The caller didn't miss a beat, but replied "Yeah, my vernacular is just fine. Just had it checked out with the doctor last week."

We thought at first we happened upon a comedy routine, but as the conversation about the fellow's 'vernacular' continued, the host finally interjected: " That was a comment about your use of vocabulary." The host then made a quip about the similarity to humorous misunderstandings about word usage and mentioned the TV show "All in the Family". The caller again misunderstood and starting talking about "Mama's family". He mentioned that various cast members from "Mama's family" would be making a local appearance in the area...

We wondered if he could be related to Larry the Cable Guy (although this guy's humor seemed to be unintended). Traveling through the South has its own special charm.

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